Province of Benguet

"A haven of sustainable communities"


Procurement Monitoring Report (PMR) & Agency Procurement Compliance and Performance Indicators (APCPI)

Procurement Monitoring Report (PMR)

The Procurement Monitoring Report (PMR) is a semestral report on procurement activities specified in the Annual Procurement Plan (APP), whether ongoing and completed. The PMR shall cover major activities from the holding of the pre-procurement conference to the issuance of notice of award, the approval of the contract, delivery/completion, and acceptance/turnover, including the standard and actual time for each major procurement activity.

The GPPB adopted the use of Agency Procurement Compliance and Performance Indicators (APCPI) System on 1 June 2012 as the standard procurement monitoring, assessment and evaluation tool which aim to determine, in a qualitative and quantitative manner, procurement strengths and weaknesses of agencies, and formulate a reasonable action plan to address identified areas for improvement while adopting measures to sustain strengths alongside a competitive, transparent, economical, efficient and accountable public procurement regime.

The APCPI is based on the Base Line Indicator and Compliance and Performance Indicator Systems of OECD DAC Methodology for the Assessment of National Procurement Systems (MAPS), the Agency Procurement Performance Indicators (APPI), and the Online Monitoring and Evaluation System (OMES) used by GPPB to measure and evaluate agency procurement practices.

PMR 2022

Agency Procurement Compliance and Performance Indicators (APCPI)

The GPPB adopted the use of Agency Procurement Compliance and Performance Indicators (APCPI) System on 1 June 2012 as the standard procurement monitoring, assessment and evaluation tool which aim to determine, in a qualitative and quantitative manner, procurement strengths and weaknesses of agencies, and formulate a reasonable action plan to address identified areas for improvement while adopting measures to sustain strengths alongside a competitive, transparent, economical, efficient and accountable public procurement regime.

The APCPI is based on the Base Line Indicator and Compliance and Performance Indicator Systems of OECD DAC Methodology for the Assessment of National Procurement Systems (MAPS), the Agency Procurement Performance Indicators (APPI), and the Online Monitoring and Evaluation System (OMES) used by GPPB to measure and evaluate agency procurement practices.

APCPI 2021

  • Goods July to December 2021
  • Health July to December 2021
  • Infra July to December 2021

APCPI 2022

  • Goods PMR January to June 2022
  • Health PMR January to June 2022
  • Infra PMR January to June 2022