Provincial Departments
Provincial Assessor's Office

Crisaldo P. Badival
Acting Provincial Assessor
Ensure improvement of quality of life in Benguet
Benguet: A haven of sustainable communities
1. Ensure all laws and policies governing the appraisal and assessment of real properties for taxation purposes are properly executed;
2. Initiate, review and recommend changes in policies and objectives, plans and programs, techniques, procedures and practices in the valuation and assessment of real properties for taxation purposes;
3. Establish a systematic method of real property assessment;
4. Install and maintain a real property identification and accounting system;
5. Prepare, install and maintain a system of tax mapping, showing graphically all properties subjected to assessment and gather all data concerning the same;
6. Conduct frequent physical surveys to verify and determine whether all real properties within the province are properly listed in the assessment rolls;
7. Exercise the functions of appraisal and assessment primarily for taxation purposes of all real properties in the LGU concerned;
8. Prepare a schedule of the fair market value for the different classes of real properties, in accordance with the Title Two, Book II of this Code;
9. Issue, upon request of any interested party, certified copies of assessment records of real property and all other records relative to its assessment , upon payment of a service charge or fee to the treasurer
10. Submit every semester a report of all assessments, as well as cancellations and modifications of all assessments, to the local chief executive and the sanggunian concerned;
11. In the case of the assessor of a component city or municipality attend, personally or through an authorized representative , all sessions of the local Board of Assessment Appeals whenever his assessment is the subject of the appeal and present and submit any information or record in his possession as may be required by the Board; and
12. In the case of the provincial assessor, exercise technical supervision and visitorial functions over all component city and municipal assessors in the conduct of tax mapping operations and all other assessment activities and provide all forms of assistance therefor: Provided, however, that, upon full provision by the component city or municipality concerned to its assessor's office of the minimum personnel, equipment, and funding requirements as may be prescribed by the Secretary of Finance, such functions shall be delegated to the said city or municipal assessor.
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