Province of Benguet

"A haven of sustainable communities"

Provincial Governor’s Office

Provincial Departments
Provincial Governor's Office
Brian Camhit
Provincial Administrator
1. To enable our citizenry to live in comfort with the aid of Divine Providence; security and prosperity by providing adequate, timely and responsive services
2. Foster optimum utilization of resources, promote technologies, enhance indigenous skills and develop existing natural resources through active people's participation
3. Strong partnership with other government agencies, NGOs and the rest of the private sector
To be environmentally balanced, self-reliant, globally competitive, and economically sustainable community where God-loving, healthy, educated, culturally enriched, and empowered citizenry live in harmony and peace under a more responsive government leadership
1. Exercise general supervision and control over all programs, projects, services and activities of the province
2. Enforce all laws and ordinances relative to the governance of the province and the exercise of appropriate corporate powers
3. Ensure the delivery of quality basic services and the provision of adequate facilities
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